Our Beliefs

Ecclesiastes 12
12 And furthermore, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13 Now that all has been heard, here is the final conclusion: fear YHVH, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.

==========================================================We believe in obeying the Laws of Yahovah without adding to them, subtracting from them, or changing them in any way! We believe that this is the whole duty of man.

We believe that there is a difference between the words of Yahovah and the words of men. We follow the words of Yahovah, not the words of men. To understand exactly what this means, please feel free to click the following link after you have read the remainder of Our Beliefs.
What Words Are The Words Of Yah?

As for the New Testament, we believe that the New Testament is corrupted and thus, the theology it teaches is false, because it contains doctrines that Yahovah's mouth never commanded, doctrines that if believed, cause us to disobey what He DID command. We believe that, in its original form, it may have possibly been written correctly, but IF so, it has obviously been hijacked and replaced from its original teachings of Torah/Law observance (the word "torah" means "Yahovah's Law"). In other words, we believe that IF there was "a righteous man from Galilee" whom many call "Jesus" or "Yeshua", then in order for him to have truly been "righteous", he would have had to have believed in, and strived to obey Yahovah's Torah/Law. Afterall, Yahovah's Law is the supreme standard of righteousness, for without His law, you cannot disobey Him. Even 1John 3:4 states that the definition of "sin", is "Violation of the Law". You see, it all boils down to this: There is only one way to please Yahovah, and that is to obey Him. Likewise, there is only one way to displease Him, and that is to disobey His Laws. You simply cannot please Yahovah by disobeying Him. And so then, we believe that IF Yeshua was a real person, and IF he was a righteous prophet, then he must have been a Torah-keeper.

IF the New Testament was originally written correctly, as we admit may be possible, then it was obviously hijacked and replaced, possibly by the murderers of a Torah-keeping prophet named Yeshua. They would have hated Yeshua for one reason: His message! Afterall, they murdered many of the prophets of old who came to turn them back to Torah! So obviously, after murdering him, they MURDERED HIS MESSAGE too. Think about it, why would they murder him, but then let his message prevail? It wouldn't have been enough to kill the man, they needed to kill the message. He was just a man, men pass away. But the message is timeless. And the power is in the message. That is why they killed the message. If he was a true and righteous prophet, his message would have been: OBEY TORAH! DO NOT ADD TO IT, NOR SUBTRACT FROM IT IN ANY WAY! (Deuteronomy 4:2, 5:32 and 12:32).

We have learned that much Anti-Torah and paganism is incorporated into the New Testament. Much of the New Testament is contrary to Yahovah's Written Law, which we refer to by it's Hebrew word "Torah". We have discovered that much of the "New Testament Theology" undoes Torah (and/or changes Torah).

We believe that IF Yeshua was truly righteous, he WOULDN'T have come to change a jot or tittle of Yahovah's Torah, rather, he would have come to turn us back to it. We believe that Yahovah's Torah are "the words that proceeded from the mouth of Yahovah" (Deteronomy 8:3), which has always been His original and true Plan of Salvation that leads to life (see Genesis 2:16-17 and Deuteronomy 8:3). We believe that the Pharisees had rejected "the words that proceeded out of Yahovah's mouth", in favor of their own Oral Law, which they call Talmud. I want to state again: WE BELIEVE THAT YESHUA COULD NOT, AND WOULD NOT CHANGE A JOT OR TITTLE OF YAHOVAH'S TORAH! THIS MEANS THAT HE COULD NOT COME TO BE, NOR IS HE "A SACRIFICE FOR OUR SINS", NOR COULD HIS BLOOD BE, NOR WAS IT "SHED FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS", BECAUSE TORAH DOESN'T COMMAND US TO “ACCEPT THE BLOOD OF YESHUA"!! WE BELIEVE THAT A TORAH-KEEPING YESHUA COULD NOT, AND WOULD NOT CHANGE A JOT OR TITTLE OF THE TORAH. We believe that a "REAL" Yeshua would NEVER change the blood sacrifices from an animal to himself! He would have obeyed Torah, not changed it! We also believe that he would have rejected the Pharisaical teachings of the Talmud, which added to and thus changed Torah, much like Christian theology also does.

We believe that if Yeshua said that he was "one" with Yahovah (I and my father are one), he must have meant that his teachings were "one" with Yahovah's teaching of Torah Law obedience. We believe that if Yeshua said "I am the way, the truth and the life", he must have been referring to his lifestyle of Torah Law obedience as being "the Way, the Truth and the Life". We believe that IF Yeshua was a savior, he would have had to have been a "savior" in the same sense that Moses and every other righteous prophet was "savior" to the Children of Israel, via teaching strict obedience to Yahovah's Written Torah, neither deviating to the left nor to the right, nor adding, subtracting or changing the Written Torah in any way! Doing such would qualify him as being "a Prophet like unto Moses" that was spoken of in Deuteronomy 18:15-19.

We recognize that the main role of the Mashiyach (Messiah) will be to lead people into Torah obedience. Never was a mashiyach to change Torah or replace portions of Torah. Afterall, how can one claim to be anointed "mashiyach" by Yahovah, and then change His commands? The fact is that Deuteronomy 17:18-20 tells us the criteria that the Messiah must meet. It states that the true Messiah King of Israel will "write a copy of all the Laws of this Torah", so that he will know and rule according to all these Laws.

Many people have accused us of having "denied the Messiah". The truth is that we strive to follow all that is written in the Torah. So how is it possible that we strive to follow the Written Torah, yet deny a Messiah whose purpose is to lead us into obeying the Written Torah? I mean really, that makes absolutely no sense! Think about it, Messianics say that Yeshua was "Torah in the Flesh", well then, if we strive to keep the "Written Torah", wouldn't we be doing the exact same thing that "Torah in the Flesh" was doing? And so, by their accusations that we "deny the messiah", we recognize that their belief structure has a major problem: Their "Torah in the Flesh" must have some differences between it, and the "Written Torah". I mean, if I can't follow the "Torah in the Flesh" by obeying the "Written Torah", then the two are obviously not the same. The truth is that the true Messiah, will NEVER deviate from Written Torah, that's what it means to be "Torah in the Flesh"! And we know that the TRUE Messiah will NEVER force us to choose between following the "Written Torah" and following himself. How could he? His goal is to teach us to follow the Written Torah! And so again, how can we possibly "deny the messiah", the "Torah made flesh", if we ourselves are striving to live out the written Torah in our own Flesh? And yet these are the same people that call us "blind"! Anyway....

We believe that if someone believes in and/or teaches a "Yeshua" that changed Torah in any way, then that person is following a "false prophet". Let me reiterate: We believe that if someone believes in and/or teaches a "Yeshua" that CHANGED the Torah prescribed sacrifice from an animal to himself, then that person is following a false prophet! And if someone believes in a different god, one that changes Torah, then such is not the same God as the one that we serve. That god will be torn down because he is a false god, he is unstable as shifting sand. Our God is the True God. He is the only God. HE DOESN'T CHANGE! His Torah does not change. He is an Immovable Rock!

And so, the problem with Christian and Messianic theology, is that it has changed jots and tittles of the Written Torah! Their theologies claim that Yeshua is the sin sacrifice; (a change from the Torah prescribed animals -See Leviticus 4 and 5). It claims that Yeshua is the High Priest (a change from the Torah prescribed Everlasting Levitical Priesthood -see Numbers 18:7, Jer 33:17-22, Mal 3:3), a god (Yahovah said that He is the one and only God) etc etc.... Thus, by these beliefs, the Messianics change the "jots and tittles" of the Written Torah, subtracting animal and Priestly laws, adding supposed "new and better laws" and thereby making Yahovah's Written Laws of none effect. But what they fail to understand is that the Written Torah is perfect. Psalms 19 tells us so. It has never needed to be changed, not even one single jot or tittle of it! And a True Messiah will NEVER chnge a jot or tittle of the Written Torah! He is to simply be a Servant of Yahovah, in that he will lead Yahovah's people via Yahovah's Written Torah! In fact, the true Messiah will himself, write down, verbatim, a copy of the Written Torah that Moses gave to the Levites (See Deut 17:18)!


We believe that the New Testament was hijacked by the Romans with the help of the Pharisees.

The agenda of The Roman Empire was to build a massive and controllable Empire. The best way to make such a thing happen was to create common ground for all its people. Thus they manufactured a One World Religion. They consolidated the many different religions found throughout their empire, and formed a One World Religion. In fact, this was the whole purpose of the various Christian "Councils"!

The Pharisees would not have had a problem telling the Romans what they wanted to hear. The Pharisees would have hated Yeshua because he rebelled against them and their religious system of Judaism. We believe that they collaborated with the Roman Government to murder Yeshua, because his message opposed their message of Talmudic Laws.

The Real Yeshua's original message would have been the same as every other righteous prophet: Obey Yahovah's Torah!

The Pharisees message was: Obey Our Oral Law (The Talmud)!

The Romans message was: Obey Us!

The one who is victorious is the one who writes his-story (history).

The Romans were victorious and so they wrote the New Testament to the standard that would best suit their Empire.

The best interest of their Empire is to have the entire Empire in agreement, so as to not war against itself. Rome attempted to accommodate all of its people, by taking a little of each of their beliefs and adding it to the State Doctrine. They succeeded. The most common bond shared, even to this very day, is the Roman religion (Christianity).

The Roman Beast has placed itself in the seat of Yahovah Himself. It has raised an Empire more powerful than any other on earth. It has maintained the Empire for 2,000 years. It has created its own religion, and given it a prophet named Jesus. The entire population follows after its beastly system and it's prophet. It has changed Yahovah's Laws and set-apart times. It replaces Yahovah's plan of salvation (Torah obedience) with the pagan plan of salvation (the Mardi Gras story).

I STRONGLY urge all readers to research the origins of the Mardi Gras King Cake.

Yahovah's plan of salvation is summed up very simple and compact in Deuteronomy 6:24-25 and Ezekiel 18:21.

The pagan plan of salvation can be found in the origin of their festivals and holidays, and most obvious in their Mardi Gras celebration. I urge you to research these things, and compare them to the New Testament theology.

Then compare them to the Torah.

No man can serve two masters. Everyone serves either Yahovah or the Serpent of Genesis 3.

We invite you to compare your messiah to the Torah in order to learn if he truly is a servant of Yahovah.

The BBC has put together a film documenting much of what we have discovered. To watch it, please follow this link:


Deuteronomy 12
29 "When Yahovah your Elohim cuts off from before you the nations which you go to dispossess, and you displace them and dwell in their land, 30 take heed to yourself that you are not ensnared to follow them, after they are destroyed from before you, and that you do not inquire after their gods, saying, 'How did these nations serve their gods? I also will do likewise.' 31 You shall not worship Yahovah your Elohim in that way; for they do every abomination which Yahovah hates to their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. 32 Whatever I command you, be careful to observe it; you shall not add to it nor take away from it.


We have found about half of the modern New Testament to be flawed. Doesn't "satan disguise himself as an angel of light"?

One of the things that people often ask us is:
"How do you know what part of the New Testament is right and what part is wrong?"

The answer can be found in The Book of Isaiah:

Isaiah 8
20 To the Torah, and its confirmation! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. (See also Deuteronomy 13:1-5)

So quite simply, when we find New Testament passages that confirm Torah, then we know that those passages are "right". But when we find passages that contradict Torah, then we know that those passages are "wrong".

So what I am saying is:

The New Testament is like a field that a rich farmer sowed quality wheat seed in. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among his wheat, then he silently slipped away. Soon the wheat sprouted and formed heads, but the weeds also appeared. "The farmer's servants came to him and said, 'Sir, didn't you sow quality wheat seed in your field? Where then did these weeds come from?' "'An enemy did this,' replied the farmer. "The servants asked him, 'Do you want us to go pull up the weeds?' "'No,' he answered, 'because while you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until harvest time. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.

The "wheat" is Torah.

The "weeds" are teachings that change Torah commands.

This is why it has been said: "His sheep hear His voice and they follow Him, for they know His voice."

How blessed is anyone who is not offended by these words, but instead looks into them with an open heart and mind, as a little child.

Truth is like a treasure buried in a field that a man found while working. With great joy he goes and sells all that he has so he can buy that field.

Unless we erase from our brains, the pagan New Testament doctrines that we have been brainwashed into believing, we will not understand the deception and mystery of it's lawlessness.