A Slave To Something

Everyone serves something.
Yes we are all a slave to whatever it is that controls us.

So if we obey our own heart and feelings,
then we are its slave.

If we serve our own reputation and pride,
then we are a slave to pride.
And pride is the root of all sin.

So everyone serves something.

If you show me what you value most in life,
I will show you what you serve.

Wherever your treasure is,
that is where your heart is also.

So if you love YHWH,
wouldn't you obey His Torah also?

Again I tell you, we all serve something.
And no one can serve 2 masters either.
No one can serve 2 opposites.
You cannot serve yourself and YHWH.

Whoever serves YHWH must forget about his own reputation.
Whoever serves YHWH must not worry about his own feelings.
And besides, dead men don't have feelings or pride.

Whoever serves YHWH must humble himself.
Whoever serves YHWH must live according to YHWH Spirit (the Spirit of YHWH's Torah).
Whoever serves YHWH must trust in YHWH.
For what servant would not trust the words of his master?
And a trusting servant will obey every word of his master too!

So you see, the servants of YHWH have not come to do their own
will, but the will of their master.

Yes. everyone does what his master commands. The servants of YHWH obey His Laws. And the servants of the evil one obeys his commands. YHWH lists His commands in "The Holy Bible". Satan lists his commands in "The Satanic Bible". The "Satanic Bible" states that the only commandment is to " do as thou wilt". YHWH says that we are to live according to the Laws that He gave Moses.

So my friends, let us wholeheartedly obey YHWH's Laws. By this we prove our allegiance to YHWH! Yes, by following His Spirit, which leads us into obeying ALL of His Laws, we prove that YHWH is our Master! And my friends, whoever recognizes YHWH's Spirit, will certainly recognize YHWH's servants also!

Shalom beloved friends.
