Let us be careful.
I am speaking to all of us who say, "I follow YHWH's Torah".
Let us instead say, "I strive to follow YHWH's Torah" and let us pray to YHWH that He would reveal His perfect Torah and His expectations of us, to us.
For who can truly say that we (mankind) know and understand YHWH's Torah and expectations for us?
For example, I used to believe that I kept the Sabbath day as set-apart. Later I learned that YHWH's Sabbath is according to the moon. His Sabbath has nothing to do with the current Pope Gregory calander that is in use today. My point is to warn each and every one to be open-minded when reading the Torah. Our brain-washed ways are not YHWH's ways.
It is a self-righteous man who believes and says "I know all things". But a humble man is wise, and a wise man knows that we are all fools. I know of no man that truly understands every command that is written in YHWH's Torah. Likewise, I know of no man that truly obey each and every command that is written in YHWH's Torah. So let us keep our hearts humble as we strive to learn all of His Torah so that we can put every command into practice!
Now I admit that I may be mistaken. There may be men that truly know, understand and obey YHWH's Torah exactly, just as YHWH desires. If so, let us seek to be like these men. The Messiah was just such a man. He truly did obey "every word that proceeds from the mouth of Father YHWH". Yet I can honestly say that I do not fully understand what YHWH expects of me concerning each and every command in His Torah and I do not know anyone that does.
So let us seek YHWH so that we may learn His Torah. Then we can truly know His expectations of us concerning His Torah. And then let us strive to obey His Torah, according to His own standard, neither adding to it, nor subtracting from it.
So again I caution; Let us be careful. Because how can a man say "I obey the Torah", when he does not even know or understand all of the commands that are written in YHWH's Torah!
Let us not be found guilty of such self-righteousness! This sin is rooted in pride. And we know that pride is the root of all sin, and result of sin is death.