There is a common misconception as to “What is the Word of Yahovah”.
Many people say that “The Word of Yahovah” is the entire Bible.
Others say that it is the entire Old Testament.
When you logically look into the subject, it is clear to see that both of the above answers are incorrect.
“Yah’s Word” is "every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yah".
It is not the words of men.
The Bible is full of words of men.
It contains Words of Yah also.
A scrupulous reader must understand who is saying what. One must test the words of men by comparing them to the Words of Yah.
Yah spoke certain words. You will notice numerous "Thus Saith the LORD's" in your typical King James Version. Other versions write it different ways.
You will also note that Yah is a God of order.
He wrote His Instructions (Torah) with His own finger, and inscribed His Instructions in Stone. Indeed, Yah' Words are as unchangeable as a solid rock!
Yah does not progressively change His Instructions. It is Law. It remains forever. He will not be mocked! His Instructions were perfect from the moment He uttered them!
The TaNaK has many words of men. Not all of them are truthful. They must be compared to the words that proceeded from the mouth of Yah. If they align with His Words, then they may indeed be truthful. But if they do not align with His Words, then they must be discounted. We are admonished to do exactly such thing (Deut 13:1-5).
Have you been deceived by the words of men? Here is the link to the other article:
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