
‎"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us and our predecessors." ~Pope Leo X

The Roman Empire, via the Book of Hebrews, has built an entire religion out of a character that very little is known about; A religion that contradicts many things that we do know, including direct commands of Yah!


Very little is recorded about the man we call "Melchezidek”, but what is known is recorded in in just three verses, Genesis 14:18-20.

Just because there is so little recorded, does not give us the right to twist what Genesis 14 states, nor to imagine up "facts" about him. In fact, the fact that so little is recorded probably means that he was a relatively insignificant person. Consider Moses's Father-in-Law Jethro; He was a Priest also, and yet very little is recorded about him. The fact is that "melek-tzadik" simply means a "righteous ruler". Indeed, there have been many "melek-tzadiks". Consider David, Josiah, Moses and even Abraham himself! These were all "righteous rulers". Indeed, these men were "melek-tzadik"!

The unknown author of the book of Hebrews has twisted the account of Genesis 14:18-20, using his own imagination to build an entire religion out of this character that very little is known about; A religion that contradicts many things that we do know, including direct commands of Yah.

Just The Facts Jack!
Genesis 14:18-20 doesn't say that Abraham "paid tithes to Melchizedek".

In fact, Genesis 14:20 straight-forwardly states that it was MELCHIZEDEK that gave Abraham a tenth of all his riches.

Genesis 14
18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine; for he was priest of God the Most High. 19 And he blessed him, and said: 'Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Maker of heaven and earth; 20 and blessed be God the Most High, who hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand.' And he gave him a tenth of all.

When reading the entire account of Genesis 14, and using a common sense reconstruction approach, it seems that Melchezidek was probably a local king of a local city, and that he was an ally of Abram. They probably knew each other very well, and were possibly even related to each other. Intrestingly enough, the book of Yasher states that Melchezidek was Noah's son Shem. We know that Melchezidek worshipped the same God that Abram worshipped, and that he was in fact, a Priest to that same God. Melchezidek was NOT "the Most High", rather he was "a priest of the Most High". Although not provable, it is likely that Abram and Melchezidek met many, many times before their Genesis 14 recorded meeting with the other kings, in the Valley of Kings.

Putting the events of the Genesis account together using the facts that we do have, and using contextual common sense, it seems that there was a war between the local kings. King Chedorlaomer, who was one of the local kings, was allied with four others local kings. Together these kings, suppressed four other local kings, including the king of Sodom, which is where Abrams relative Lot lived. After much war and an attempted rebellion failed, King Chedorlaomer conquered Sodom and took many captives, including Abrams relative Lot. It appears that the king then fled, taking hostages with him. Lot and his family were among those hostages.

When Abram heard about this, he mustered his own army together and ultimately routed King Chedorlaomer, probably killing him and the four kings that were allied with him, thus restoring peace to the valley.

When the other local kings had heard about this, they were probably very excited that King Chedorlaomer and his cronies were dead! There was peace in the valley at last! All of the kings then met in the Valley of the Kings, which was probably politically considered neutral territory. The king known as “Melchezidek” was one of those local kings. As already noted, Abram and Melchezidek probably had much in common, specifically they worshipped the same God. Because of this, they were probably much stronger allies with each other, than they were with the other local kings. You will note that Melchezidek served Abram bread and wine. This clearly seems to place Abram in the greater role of authority. Additionally, according to Genesis, Mechezidek gave Abram the tenth, not the other way around. This was possibly a reward or gift of gratitude for restoring peace to the valley. You will also note that Melchezidek blessed Abram.

So Mechezidek blessed Abram, he served bread and wine to Abram, and again, based on what is written, Melchezidek gave Abram a tenth of his riches. Then, the king of Sodom offered gifts to Abram,"you keep the goods (that King Chedorlaomer took from Sodom), but give me back my people". But Abram did not accept "even a sandals throng" from him! This was probably because Abram did not agree with the moral ways of that kings city.

Indeed, Abram was a righteous man, and blessed above all others.

And indeed, the author of the Book of Hebrews has twisted the recorded Genesis account!


Please consider these points (not necessarily in order):

1) Yasher states that Melchezidek was Shem, the son of Noah, but, the book of Hebrews says otherwise. In trying to sell his theology, the unknown author of the Book of Hebrews states that Melchezidek has no father and no mother. (Incidentally, Hebrews 7:12 claims “a change to the Priesthood” and “a change to the Law”, which straight-forwardly violates Torah. Additionally, this violates Jesus’s own teaching of “until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot nor one tittle” ~Matthew 5:18).

2) Neither Abraham nor Melchezidek were commanded by Yah, to give tithes to the other. This was a personal choice by whichever man gave to the other.

3) Abraham NEVER would have added to the commands that Yah did give him. Neither should we add to the commands that Yah gives US (The Children of Israel).

4) Yah has commanded a specific Priesthood to us (The Children of Israel). He commanded that we revere the Levites as His Priests. Yah never commanded that we (the Children of Israel) observe any other priesthood besides the Levitical Priesthood. He also commanded that we DO NOT ADD TO His Commands. Additionally, Yah specifically demands the death penalty for any non-Levite who takes on priestly duties! (See Numbers 3:10 & Numbers 18:7)

5) Where were you or I (or any of the Children of Israel) ever commanded by Yah to “do what Abraham did”, instead of what Yah commanded?

6) Yah has not sworn any priesthood to anyone other than the Levites. (Psalms 110:4 quotes that Yah has sworn and will not relent, “you” are a priest forever, after the order of “the Righteous King”. Who is the “you” that is being spoken of? The Levites are the only ones that Yah has ever swore a priesthood too (Exodus 29:9, Jeremiah 33:18). Psalms 110:4 is a poetic writing by King David. We should not take it out of context. Malachi 3:3 confirms that the Levite will indeed be "Melech-Tzadik".

7) Shem (or whoever Melchezidek was) was not the only “Priest of the Most High” prior to Yah’s establishment of the Levitical Priesthood. Consider Moses’s Father-in-Law Jethro.

8) Genesis does not actually state that Abraham paid tithes to Melchezedek, rather, when read in context, it seems to state that Melchezidek paid tithes to Abraham!

Again, I wasn't alive to witness what happened in Abrams time. I don't claim to know all the answers. Like all honest investigations, this is simply a reconstruction of the facts that we do have, along with contextual common sense, to the best of my investigative skills. Others will surely claim that I am wrong. They will surely tell you that they have all of the answers. Ask them if they were there in order to witness these things for themselves? If not, then according to Torah, that person is not a valid witness.

Remember, just because there is so little recorded about Melchezidek, does not give us the right to imagine up "facts" about him. We should base all conclusions on facts.

Remember also:
‎"How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us and our predecessors." ~Pope Leo X

May you be blessed in accordance with your sincerity for truth!