The Reason For Torah

The reason we follow Torah is because Yahovah commanded us to do so! The goal of Torah is to become like Yeshua. This is the very reason Torah was given in the first place: To cause people to live and act like Yeshua!

I tell you the truth; Anyone who obeys Torah would find that they are living exactly like Yeshua himself lived!

So anyone who says that we do not need to follow Torah is in essence saying that we do not need to be like Yeshua.

But the Torah was given so that we would know how to live and act righteously!

A person who truly wants to live like Yeshua lived, is a person who wants to obey Torah! Torah is YHWH's standard of rightness!

Anyone who seeks to be like Yeshua please hear me: Love YHWH with all your heart! Here is how you will prove your love: By obeying His Torah!

Romans 10
4 For the goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness to everyone who trusts.

