The Anti-Messiah Revealed

Those who refuse to follow Torah are ANTI-TORAH.

Those who are ANTI-TORAH are ANTI-MESSIAH.

This is because Messiah Himself obeyed Torah! In fact, according to John 1:14, Messiah was "the Word made flesh". Messiah said "until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot and not one tittle will be removed".

He went on to say, "So whoever disobeys Torah or teaches another to disobey even the smallest command in Torah will be called least in the Coming Kingdom (just like the serpent was made lowest of all beasts, so will all who disobey and teach others to disobey Torah be called lowest)".

Yes indeed, whoever disobeys Torah and teaches others to do so will have the same fate as the snake.

Brothers, Sisters, Friends, hear the Word of YHWH:
"Love YHWH and prove your love by obeying His Torah!"