Whoever thinks of himself to be someone is really nobody at all. And whoever thinks he is a nobody, is truly somebody special.
So beware of those who pretend to look at themselves as a nobody, but within themselves they have a haughty and high-minded opinion of themselves. Truly he is a nobody. And so the true somebody is whoever never sees and never believes himself to be anybody.
Indeed, the proud will be humbled.
The strong will be made weak.
The rich are indeed already poor and the wise man is a fool even now.
Likewise, the humble will be praised.
The weak will uplifted.
The lowly are rich and whoever realizes that he is a fool is the wisest man of all.
So do not be tricked any longer! What appears to be "up", is really "down" and what others call "right" is actually wrong. Who can say "it is wrong to do right?" So you will know a true brother or sister or friend by their actions. Whoever does what is truly right, that is, whoever looks at things from YHWH's perspective and obeys, is truly a brother, a sister and a friend.