Ecclesiasted 1
9 What has been is what will be, what has been done is what will be done, for there is nothing new under the sun.
From the beginning YHVH's Plan of Salvation was that Adam and Eve simply "obey YHVH's commands". I've searched the entire creation account of Genesis 1,2, and 3 but I have never read of a "lamb slain from the foundation of the world".
What I did read, was YHVH giving mankind a specific and direct commandment (do not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil), and promising that man will "live" if he keeps the commandment! Indeed, from the beginning, this was the Plan of Salvation!
So we clearly see that, "man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of YHVH" (Dt 8:3)! As the writer of Ecclesiastes 12:12 said, "fear YHVH and keep His commands- this is the whole duty of man."
Now something went wrong back there in the Garden of Eden: A deceptive and crafty serpent came and subtly "interpreted" and "expounded upon" the command that YHVH had given. The serpent explained to Eve that if she ate the fruit, she would "not die", but rather she would "become wise", and everybody knows that wisdom is a good thing that should be desired by everyone. After all, YHVH Himself is wise!
Eve fell for it! "When she saw that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she ate of it" (Gen 3:6). In her quest to gain wisdom, she was deceived into disobeying the direct command of YHVH.
My friends, it is NEVER wise to believe someone who changes YHVH's Commandment. In fact, "obeying YHVH is the greatest of all wisdom"! Proverbs 30:6 says that he who adds to YHVH's words will be found a liar! Dt 4:2, 5:32 and 12:32 each command us NOT to add to, nor subtract from His Torah. And His Torah NEVER commands us to "accept the blood of Yeshua".
The story of Genesis 3 is retold via the New Testament. Again the serpent comes as an angel of light, seeming to be wise and righteous, but in reality, mixing light with darkness in an attempt to lure the "Eves" of the world away from the direct commands of YHVH's Torah. In craftiness and deception, the serpent lures the masses away from YHVH's Plan of Salvation (man lives by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of YHVH), to his own plan of salvation (a lamb slain from the foundation of the world). And the foolish "Eves" fall for it again and again and again, for there is nothing new under the sun! Indeed, that "great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, deceives the whole world".
My friends, my purpose is to expose the idolatry of Yeshua, and turn you back to the words that proceeded out of the mouth of YHVH. I advise every reader of this post, to test every word, doctrine and teaching you ever hear, no matter who it comes from, by comparing it to "the words that proceeded from the mouth of YHVH" Himself.
You can always tell a false doctrine, because it can't be substantiated with "words that proceeded from the mouth of YHVH.
My friends, search and you will find that YHVH never commanded that we "accept the blood of Yeshua". And please remember the words of Proverbs 30:6. Any one who is teaching something that YHVH didn't command, is adding to His words and according to Proverbs 30:6, that person will be "found a liar". I don't think any of us want to "be found a liar"!
So what does YHVH expect of us?
Ecclesiastes 12
13 Now that all has been heard, here is the final conclusion: fear YHVH, and keep His commandments: For this is the whole duty of man.