Everything and everyone is "property".
When we look at it from YHVH's viewpoint, "property" is a positive position. It means we're owned. It means we're wanted and treasured. It is the opposite of being abandoned and alone.
Our Christian culture is responsible for twisting the true concept of "property".
YHVH made man for Himself. All men are the property of YHVH.
YHVH made woman for man (Gen 2:18). Woman are owned by their father, until the are married. They then become property of the husband.
This is why YHVH so vehemently commands men to "care for the orphans and widows"! For they have neither a father nor a husband. They are alone and abandoned :o(
"LOVE" is conditional.
Our Christian culture is responsible for twisting the true concept of "LOVE".
YHVH promises to LOVE and care for man via the Blessings of the Covenant (i.e. food, shelter, protection and a prosperous life), IF we LOVE Him by OBEYING Him (Deut 28:1-14).
As men, we have a responsibility within the Covenant: To LOVE YHVH with all our being. IF we LOVE Him, we will OBEY Him, thus we receive the Blessings of the Covenant.
A wife is one of these blessings. Woman were created for man. YHVH saw that Adam was alone in the Garden, and He said, it is not good that man should be alone, I shall make a help-mate for him. (take special note of those last 2 words)
Woman are owned by their father, until the are married. They then become property of the husband.
When a man goes into Covenant with a woman, he takes on a responsibility to his wife. As part of the Marriage Covenant, the man promises to LOVE and care for the wife via (food, shelter, protection and a prosperous life), IF she LOVES him.
The woman also has a responsibility within the Covenant: To LOVE her husband with all her being. IF she LOVES him, she will OBEY Him, thus she receives the Blessings of the Covenant.
When she LOVES her husband by OBEYING him, she fulfills her fathers portion of the contract. As a result of her LOVE, which is contractual, the husband is required to LOVE her, by caring for her via the Blessings of the Covenant (food, shelter, protection and a prosperous life). Thus the husband has fulfilled his part of the Covenant.
This my friends, is a true Torah Marriage.