The whole of Genesis 1 and 2 is about creation. It's NOT about a spiritual union of equality between man and woman. Its about how all things came into being at the beginning of time. Its about "be fruitful and multiply". It's the creation account, and that is the context in which it was meant to be understood.
Our Christian culture is responsible for twisting logic and changing context. As you will see, they have perverted the true concept of "one flesh".
Genesis 2
24Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall [become] one flesh.
The Hebrew word that has been translated as "become" in the above phrase, is "hyh" (hey-yod-hey). It literally means "to cause", "to come to pass".
Genesis 2
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall [cause] one flesh.
The reason that YHVH made Eve is because, "Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a [help-meet]."~Genesis 2:20
The Hebrew word translated as "help-meet" is "neged" (nun-gimel-dale d). It literally means "a mate". The primary purpose of a "mate", is to "mate".
And so we see, that YHVH created a suitable "mate" for Adam.
"One flesh" is a term that suggests that upon mating, the husband and the wife will mingle their respective DNA, thus providing a single FLESH that is a part of both persons.
This happens when a man's sperm intermingles with a woman's egg, thus producing a single flesh that consists of 50% of the husbands DNA and 50% of the wife's DNA.
One Flesh.
We have been brainwashed from birth to believe that "one flesh" has nothing to do with FLESH, but rather it is the "spiritual union" of man and wife.
FLESH is FLESH! No matter how hard you try, your flesh will never be the same flesh that your spouse has. Need proof? Pinch the flesh of your arm nice and hard, and see if it hurts your spouse. It doesn't. It never will. It can't. His flesh is his flesh and her flesh is her flesh. The only way that the two of you can literally share DNA flesh, is to conceive a child. That child's flesh will contain 50% of the husband's DNA and 50% of the wife's DNA.
Genesis 2
24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall [cause] one flesh -(a baby). :o)
One Flesh. A miracle of YHVH!